Yesterday, a customer bought our exposure hand switch again. This customer bought our exposure hand switch as a sample before, and the customer experience is not bad, so as a formal purchase, I bought a little more this time. The customer bought an L06, 2-core 6-meter exposure hand switch. This exposure hand switch is a one-stage exposure hand switch, mainly used in dental X-ray machines. The parameters of this exposure hand switch are as follows:
1. Mechanical parameters: mechanical life ≤ 200,000 times
Handle size: length: 10cm width: 3cm
Hand brake cord length: 2 cores 3 meters (line can be customized)
Gear position: 1 gear
2. Electrical parameters: switch life ≤ 400,000 times
Working voltage: AC: 125V 1A
DC: 30V 2A
3. There are two optional materials: (1) Matte surface (2) Smooth surface
4. Advantages: (1) Omron switch design, long service life
(2) The button material is the same as the shell material
5. Scope of application: dental X-ray machine, gastrointestinal machine, digital gastrointestinal machine, X-ray for gastrointestinal examination
If you also need it, please contact us.
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X-ray High Voltage Cable X-ray Bucky Stand Radiography Table X-ray Machines and Accessories Flat Panel Detector
ADD-Factory: E Building of Future Star Scientific Innovation Industrial Zone of No.957 Wolong East Street,
Yulong Community, Xincheng Sub-District Office, Weifang Hi-tech Zone, Shandong Province, China